Types of DC Motors : Working & Its Applications
Date:2020-6-19 Click:3008
Generally, at the beginning of the motor invention, there is a lot of contribution from various scientists. So, the scientist like “Michael Faraday” was invented the various electromagnetic induction laws. In the same way, both the scientists like “Thomas Davenport” as well as “William sturgeon”  were invented the commutator type working machine. The inventions of these three scientists led to DC motor development.

There are different types of motor that serve different purposes. Based on the requirement and their characteristics the suitable motor is selected. The function of the different types of the motor is applicable for different purposes. This classification of motors is an important criterion. Because these motors have a unique application and they are being utilized perfectly.

This article explains an overview of the different types of motors that serve different purposes. Apart from the types, we shall also discuss the classification of different DC motors.

What is DC Motor?
The dc motor is one kind of machine and the main function of this device is to change the energy from electrical to mechanical. The working principle of a DC motor is “electromagnetic induction”. A force is developed according to the statement made by Lorentz. And the force direction is found by Fleming’s left-hand rule.

Working Principle
As the current-carrying conductors are placed under the magnetic field they experience a force according to Lorentz force. Here, The force direction can be found by the rule of Fleming’s right-hand. The direction of force enables the coils to develop a Uni-directional torque that enables the rotor to rotate. The DC motor working is shown in the following figure.

Types of DC Motors
There are different types of DC motors available. They are

PMDC type
Separately excited
The classification of self-excited can be done like the following.

Series wound, and
Compound wound type.
Again, the compound type can be classified into two types namely long shunt as well as the short shunt. The long shunt is further classified as cumulative and differential types. Similarly, the short shunt types are further classified as cumulative and differential types.

The separately excited and series types are commonly preferred for industrial purposes. The DC motors classification figure is shown below.classification DC motors
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